Has anyone figured out how to capture audio loudly enough to hear but not so loud that it completely drowns out your commentary? I assume it's related to "CREATORS: DON'T START UNTIL YOU BUY AN EXPENSIVE XLR MIC" or something...
This week was largely about audio, and what do you know: Royalty Free Music never has enough of what you want. Also, sound EFFECTS should be like a second long. Who's using 10 second clips for even explosions, let alone hits and gunshots and stuff? Currently, I have 1 song that fits my casino theme, but it's not long enough for how long the level takes, so I need to put multiple songs that play as a playlist The brick breaking is glass breaking - kind of on point, but only just
The fail sound effect is a bit too gamey, but as I hinted earlier, most fail sounds are way too long.