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Writer's pictureNick Brunell

My progress is a lot like Speed Race: Creates the illusion of fast, but also a lot of obstacles

No thanks to the videos not working, my programming of Speed Race is not quite finished BUT at least I've also gotten started on some of the art. Below is a sample car I found on the interweb, which I'm slowly converting to 1 pixel size, with some creative flair of course. In addition, the "customer" represents a possible collision for the player to TRY running into, in contrast with the enemy cars to dodge.

There's still things to do with the code: Get restart layout working, make sure the entire application comes to a grinding halt once the timer runs out, even if the player continues to hold accelerate. Setting score by "deliveries", as is my intent, may very well be a long term dream that might have to be shelved right now, as my ideas of making this more of a dodge fest than "Speed Race" might require that much more tinkering, and it's certainly time to switch projects this month.

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